The Jesus and Mo cartoon strip, which satirises religion in
general, and Christianity and Islam in particular, launched in the wake of the Jyllands-Posten Danish cartoons of 2005.
Europe, as well the wider non-Muslim world, the Danish cartoons - wherein the
Prophet Mohammed SA was caricatured in ways which Muslims across the globe found
hurtful - became totemic: a single point upon which the clusterfuck that was
‘Islam vs The West’, could reduce down to.
Israel/Palestine, colonialism, Bush, Blair, WMD and the War on Terror, the
right to veil and even that siren call echoing around the post-Christian world
- ‘does God exist?’ This was now the acid test. In a world in which nothing was
sacred – in which church, state, politicians and royalty had been stripped bare
by a proletariat free to choose their own idols; wherein only the right to say
anything – and the right to offend – was sacrosanct, could Muslims accept the
same treatment?
Due to the lack of overt offensiveness in the
Jesus and Mo strip, the very same points have been distilled – which serves to
not only reinforce the challenge laid down, but makes the work of art, per se,
pure genius:
this is now the line in the sand, beyond which no compromise can be reached. If
this, too, is an affront, well… at least the endless circus of debate can end.
We’d all know where we stand.
since some students were ordered to remove Jesus and Mo t-shirts at a Freshers’ Fair, the media has fizzed and crackled, straining at the leash to
light the blue touch paper. How..? By discussing Jesus and Mo at every turn,
but crucially, not showing – it is the ultimate strip-tease, to ratchet up the
tension. In studio after studio, the same players are wheeled out – the
outraged intellectual, the puppet-on-a-string politician and the cartoon Muslim,
to repeat ad nauseum that ‘…to draw or otherwise represent the Prophet, Peace
Be Upon Him, is not permissible in Islam.’ Which is true.
all the stakeholders miss, however, is that the cartoon strip, as emblematic of
the fissure between Islam and The West, does not resonate for most (British)
Muslims, (or, indeed, for most Westerners) - hence the lack of Pavlovian
response. But this still jars, as the strip does indeed capture a fundamental
difference in what is considered sacred, across religious and post-religious
societies. (Indeed, one can almost sense the frustration in some quarters at
the lack of response…) So why no
repeat of the Danish shitstorm? The main reason is also prosaic – most Muslims
(and non-Muslims) will simply not have given the subject enough attention. For
others, the exchange of ideas as they rub alongside non-Muslims – whether
online or in their real lives – will have shaped what ‘being Muslim’ means to
them. (In other words, from the POV of the unreconstructed, theirs is a watered
down, Islam-lite). Many other ‘fundamentalist’ Muslims however, get that the
value-system of the non-Muslim is different – and that it’s not for them to
impose or force their values, onto others. In other words, ‘to me my values,
and to you, yours’. Indeed, the position is theologically sound because to live
in a country – any country - under the protection of its flag and benefiting
from its resources, and then to be disloyal, is, Islamically, an act of treason.
this demonstrates is that talking casually about ‘the Muslims’, or even
‘British Muslims’, is a mistake – there is no such body. It does not exist.
Rather, it is composed of multiple strands, thoughts, beliefs and political
philosophies - just as in wider society. And yet, despite the ever burgeoning
corpus that is ‘the media’, only the discordant notes of the lunatic fringe get
amplified. One can only conclude that it pays to keep the story simple.
of this discounts the validity of questions being asked, re. the compatibility
of some Muslim communities outside of their indigenous setting. But therein lies
the rub – because none of those concerns apply universally, to everyone on
earth who calls themselves ‘Muslim’. Many (most?) understand the hard laws and
softer nuances of wherever they live, and that your right to analyse, parody,
insult and offend, is not up for barter. In other words, they have organically
learnt how to be both Muslim and British, in a way that trivialises neither. And
yet the broad-brush approach persists –which foments confusion, then hurt, then
anger, then resentment. Which is entirely understandable.
It’s high time that the media reflected the
diversity that exists of the ground. Otherwise this in itself will add a new
dimension to the ‘Islam Vs The West’ clusterfuck.
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